Department of Color Imaging and Color Image Processing



Ever-increasing growing rate of color reproduction devices such as monitors, printers, cameras and scanners have caused new developments in color physics applications. Acquiring images with desirable qualities and the possibility of transmission of images with color appearance fidelity has introduced subjects such as color gamut, gamut mappings, color management and so on. CICIP department is targeting the mentioned aims in both scientific and practical approaches.  

Research activities

This department has focused on activities in the following areas: 

  • Color management in digital printing 
  • Multispectral (Hyper-spectral) Imaging 
  • Near-infrared image processing
  • Identity document forgery
  • Colorimetry
  • Light sources and illuminating
  • Color design and harmony
  • Color matching and color formulation
  • Calibration, design and producing color measurement instruments
  • Design and manufacturing of color filters 
  • Polychromatic tunable light sources 
  • Estimation of intrinsic image, shading factor and specular gloss from any images of objects

Customer services 

Customer services include:

  • Spectral (VIS and NIR) and colorimetric analysis of materials (Solid Colors and Special Effect Pigments)
  • Colorimetric calibration and characterization of color devices (Monitors, Printers, Scanners, Projectors) 
  • Running and implementing psychophysical experiments
  • Personnel’s training
  • Preparation of related standards
  • Estimation of color gamut (reachable colors) of different kinds of color reproduction devices.
  • Lightening and color design for indoor and outdoor environments
  • Light source and illuminant characterization 
  • Photometry and radiometry 
  • Color control lab design 
  • Measurement of color change in  dental materials 
  • Color measurement and color image analysis for quality control of agricultural and food products


EYE-One spectrophotometer with spectral reflectance and color coordinates measurement capability and spectral irradiance and luminance measurement (45/0 sampling geometry)
Monochorom CCD Thorlabs CCD- DCU224M
Thorlabs interference and neutral filters in visible and NIR region
Professional digital cameras and lighting instruments
Profiling package for printers, monitors, scanners,…
Digital microscopes with 200x and 500x magnification power with the ability of picture taking and film recording
Digital Color Checker SG (X-rite) chart, Spirit paint 1750 catalogue, standard SDC gray samples , RAL K5 classic and RAL D4 Design samples, metallic pantone chips,…
Konica Minolta CS2000 spectroradiometer (380-780 nm)
EIZO CG243W Wide Gamut Display
TES-133 Luminous Flux Meter to measure spectral power distribution of light sources
Standard light cabinet with D65,F11,A,UV,C light sources
Ocean Optics NIR Quest 256 probe spectrometer (900nm-2500nm)
Hunterlab Minisacn 45/0 spectrophotometer with 0.5" and 1" apertures


Keivan Ansari
Keivan Ansari
Assistant Professor
Ali Reza Mahmoodi
Ali Reza Mahmoodi
Assistant Professor
Mahdi Safi
Mahdi Safi
Assistant Professor

Distinguished projects

Some current research projects 

  1. Design and manufacturing of color filters for multispectral imaging 
  2. Design and manufacturing tunable light sources using color primaries 
  3. Design and manufacturing transmission spectrophotometer using 2D CCDs
  4. Color change of dental materials due to color affecting factors
  5.  Applying color measurement and color image analysis for quality control of agricultural and food products
  6. Estimation of intrinsic image, shading factor and specular gloss from any images of objects

Some completed research projects

  1. Optimum Band Selection for Multispectral One-shot sensor for Face Recognition in Visible and Near-Infrared spectrum
  2. Determining the sequence of print and ink in document forgery
  3. Evaluating the performance of staffs and its relationship with the light source parameters used in the work room
  4. Application of a color scanner as a colorimeter
  5. Evaluating stone chip (chipping) resistant test using scanner
  6. Evaluating adhesion resistant test (Cross Cut) using scanner
  7. Color transferring of an art image into urban elements using principle component analysis 

Detectability enhancement using optical filters and image transformation


Evaluating stone chip (chipping) and adhesion resistant test (Cross Cut) using scanner



Design and manufacturing transmission spectrophotometer using 2D CCDs