
18 January 2020 | 11:05 Discover
ICST has received prestigious awards including top peer reviewer by Publons, pioneer of Top 1% of scientists in the world by Thomson Reuters.
  • Annual prize for "converting knowledge into wealth”, awarded by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of IRAN in 2010.
  • Annual prize for "Organizational excellence”, awarded by Industrial Management Institute (IMI) of IRAN in 2010.
  • Annual prize for the "research performance” (Second Rank), awarded by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of IRAN in 2011.
  • The second rank among all of the research Incubators of Iran at Nanotechnology Festival, awarded by Iran nanotechnology initiative council in 2010.
  • The first rank among all of the research Incubators of Iran at Nanotechnology Festival, awarded by Iran nanotechnology initiative council in 2011.
  • The first rank among all of the research Incubators of Iran at Nanotechnology Festival, awarded by Iran nanotechnology initiative council in 2012.
  • The Third rank among all of the research Incubators of Iran at Nanotechnology Festival, awarded by Iran nanotechnology initiative council in 2013.
  • 2 acknowledgments for scientific activities in two ISO committees and their related sub-committees (ISO/TC/35 and ISO/TC/256)