International Affairs

18 January 2020 | 11:00 Discover
International scientific cooperation office (INTSCO) focuses on broadening the international outlook of ICST & fostering the international relationships.

The objectives of International Affairs are as follows

  • Expanding international academic cooperation in the fields of education and research
  • Holding international conferences, workshops, seminars and scientific meetings
  • Providing necessary facilities for international students to carry out their research in ICST
  • Hosting guests from international universities and sending professional representatives to visit and negotiate with international universities and industries in order to establish scientific and technical cooperation
  • Preparation and signing academic, research, and cultural agreements with international universities, research centers, local, and foreign academic associations
  • Announcing international professional seminars and conferences, workshops, scholarships, and intensive or extensive training courses held in foreign universities and institutes

We are delighted to extend our cordial welcome to international students, for further details click here:

List of funders for International grant proposals:

  1. European Research Council (ERC) 
  2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 
  3. Iran National Science Foundation 
  4. Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC)

The recent achievements of ICST is available here:

List of International S & T leading houses:

  1. Isfahan University of Technology, Swiss 
  2. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, India 
  3. University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Pakistan 
  4. Kharazmi University, Austria 
  5. Yazd University, Hungary 
  6. Shahid Beheshti University, Russia, Kazakhstan 
  7. Tarbiat Modares University, Japan 
  8. Sharif University of Technology, China 
  9. Iran University of Science & technology, Germany 
  10. University of Tabriz, Turkey 
  11. University of Isfahan, South Korea 
  12. University of Kurdistan, Iraq's Kurdistan state
  13. Amirkabir University of Technology, France 
  14. University of Guilan, Sweden

Our International partners:

  1. University Putra Malaysia 
  2. University of Malaya 
  3. University of Lorraine 
  4. University of Haute-Alsace 
  5. University of Stuttgart  
  6. University of Trento 
  7. Gjøvik University College