
18 January 2020 | 10:59 Discover
Post-Graduation office of ICST considering the current international standards, aims cultivation of experts in the field of color, colorants and coatings

Post-graduation office of Institute for Color Science and Technology (ICST) has been professionally focused on education in the field of color, colorants and coatings for over 15 years. Post-graduation office provides MSc and PhD programs in the fields of Polymer Engineering- Color Technology, Polymer Engineering- Polymerization Process Engineering and Polymer Engineering-Printing Science and Technology.  Post-graduation office of ICST manages complementary educational affairs including administrative process, enrolment and completion of education proceeding. Our team tackles the existing needs of industries which entails cultivation of expert alumni under supervision of talented professors implementing qualified projects. All groups in ICST are researching interdisciplinary areas and students participate in group activities. Our aim is to bring diverse talent to foster new ideas. 
The area of the students’ research covers a wide range of highly interdisciplinary fields of color science and technology including:

  • Surface Coatings & Corrosion,
  • Inorganic Coatings and their applications,
  • Resins and Additives,
  • Environmental Aspects on Color and Coating Science and Technology,
  • Organic Colorants and Their applications,
  • Inorganic Pigments and Glazes: synthesis and applications,
  • Ink and Printing Science and Technology,
  • Color Physics,
  • Color Imaging and Image Processing.

Currently, there are 31 MSc students and 35 PhD students active in the institute, and 14 PhD holders and 97 MSc holders have been graduated from the institute.
Rate of employment and/or education at higher degree for ICST alumni is about 95 % which indicates high efficiency of our programs. 
If you require any further information, feel free to contact

  List of accomplished M.Sc and Ph.D projects