Department of Color Control and Color Reproduction


Color science is a fundamental field of science dedicated to understanding the creation of colored stimuli, sources of illumination, and the human perception of color. Color physics is used in design and production of the most man-made materials and to specify the properties of diverse natural materials such as skin, plants, animals, and soil. The focus of the department of color control and color reproduction is researches on object’s color appearance, color matching and recipe prediction, color difference modeling, illumination sources, psychophysical effect of color based on visual assessment experiments, color measurement and color quality control in the wide variety of areas including of paint, plastic, textile, automotive, dentistry, lighting, cosmetic, ceramic, packaging, and food. 

Research activities

This department has developed activities in the following areas: 

  • Description of object’s color appearance including of spectral behaviors, colorimetric coordinates, gloss, opacity, translucency and whiteness, yellowness, blackness indices.
  • Characterization of different color appearance models. 
  • Color matching and recipe prediction.
  • Color difference modeling. 
  • Characterization of visual phenomena such as metamerism, chromatic adaptation, and color constancy.
  • Light sources and their effect on color and appearance. 
  • Investigation of psychophysical color phenomena based on visual assessment experiments.
  • Using intelligent systems for evaluating the color appearance and color reproduction.
  • Applications of color measurement and color quality control in a wide variety of areas including of  paint, plastic, textile, automotive, wood, paper, lighting, cosmetic ceramic, packaging, dentistry, and food.
  • Spectral and colorimetric analysis of achromatic samples. 

Customer services 

Customer services include:

  • Measurement services as a collaboration laboratory of Iranian national standard organization, having an accreditation certificate from NACI in the field of color measurement, color difference, color stability, color strength, gloss, haze, opacity, transparency, and spectral behavior analysis in the UV-VIS-NIR regions of the spectrum.
  • Calibration of reflectance spectrophotometer devices with having a calibration laboratory accreditation certificate from the Iranian national standard organization.
  • Color matching and recipe prediction in different industries such as textile, plastic and paint industries.
  • Presenting appropriate color difference formula for determination of color difference tolerance limits in different industries. 
  • Investigation of process parameters effect on the color appearance of the product. 
  • Presenting a model to estimate the surface appearance in automotive finishes. 
  • Investigation of the optical behavior of Nanostructure materials.
  • Applying nondestructive methods in the analysis of colorants.
  • Spectral reflectance simulation of translucent materials such as a tooth.
  • Preparation and developing standards in color measurement and color control fields for different industries. 
  • Consulting services for laboratory equipment in the areas of color measurement and color quality control.
  • Colorimetric analysis of samples based on visual assessment experiments.
  • Design and manufacture of color assessment cabinets.
  • Testing for type and degree of color vision deficiency, having a NACI laboratory accreditation certificate.


Gretag-Macbeth Color-Eye 7000A Spectrophotometer to measure spectral reflectance and transmittance in the 360-750 nm range.
Xrite SP-64 Spectrophotometer to measure spectral reflectance with hemispherical geometry (d/8°) in the 400-700 nm range.
Gretag-Macbeth Color-Eye 741GL Gonio Spectrophotometer to measure spectral reflectance at 20, 45, 75 &110 aspecular angles in the 360-750 nm range.
Gretag-Macbeth Light Spex Spectroradiometer to measure spectral power distribution of light sources in the 360-750 nm range.
Novo Gloss I.Q. Goniophotometer to measure gloss, haze, distinctness of image values at 20 and 60 degrees.
Analytik Jena Specord 250 UV-Visible-NIR Spectrophotometer to measure spectral reflectance and transmittance in 190-1100 nm range.
Avian Technologies BCRA standard ceramic set (BCRA-14-02c8H set).
Ihara Spectrocam Spectrophotometer to measure reflectance with 0/45° geometry in the 400-700 nm range.
Munsell Books of Color (Glossy & Matt).
Fransworth Munsell 100 Hue Color Vision Test.
Starna Certified Reference Neutral Density Glass Filter set to assess the photometric accuracy of transmittance spectrophotometer in the visible region.
Starna Certified Reference Holmium Glass Filter to assess wavelength accuracy in the UV –Visible regions.


Farhad Ameri
Farhad Ameri
Associate Professor
Razieh Jafari
Razieh Jafari
Assistant Professor
Mahdi Safi
Mahdi Safi
Assistant Professor

Distinguished Projects

  1. Optimization of computer color match prediction procedures with the aid of spectral decomposition theory.
  2. Reconstructing metameric black from the color coordinates by using neural network and spectral decomposition theory.
  3. Reconstruction of reflectance curves based on tristimulus values using the interpolation Algorithm.
  4. Evaluation of geometric attributes of automotive coatings.
  5. Investigation of the correlation between instrumental measurements and visual assessments of the gloss.
  6. Investigation of the effect of distinctness of image and its measurement methods on the appearance of automotive finishes.
  7. Design and manufacture of two cabinets for visual assessment of surface appearance.
  8. Light matching of standard illuminants by LED light sources.
  9. Evaluation of unlevelness of dyed textiles with spectrophotometer and scanner.
  10. New method for a data set for fuzzy color naming and application in color space.
  11. Strategic study of the production of a display.
  12. Study of optical and physical properties of carbon nanotubes coatings.
  13. Designing a colorimeter to reconstruct the reflectance curve of an object.
  14. Instrument dependency of Kubelka-Munk theory in computer color matching.
  15. Comparative study of neural networks with physical models in computer color matching.
  16. Color matching for digital printing.
  17. Effect of bleaching process on the color change of tooth samples.
  18. The effect of aging on the discoloration of Amaris, a highly esthetic composite.
  19. The effect of different polishing procedures on the discoloration of grandio and point4 composite resins.
  20.  Assessment of the color inconstancy index of natural colorants.
  21. Effect of CIELCH coordinates on the selection of preferred black.


Design of two illumination/observation set up, Directional & Diffuse for color appearance assessment


Color matching and recipe prediction